Happy Healthy You Blog
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The Truth About Gluten – Myths vs. Facts
Gluten is a massive buzz-word these days, and there are LOTS of assumptions and contradictory, misleading information that pop up along with it. It's time to set the record straight and navigate the myths vs. facts. What is gluten? We see gluten-free all of the time,...

Does weight drive health, or does health drive weight?
It started with the best of intentions! In high school I had somehow gotten into my head that there was something wrong with my 5'4" ~115lb body. That it was broken, didn't look the way it should, wasn't good enough, wasn't healthy, would never attract a boyfriend or...

The Hidden Meaning Behind Struggles with Food and Body
Let's talk about something that I know is on your mind, lovely reader, and that is your on again/off again eating tendencies, and unhappiness with your body There's something I really want you to know, listen up >> eating challenges are NOT a sign that...

How to Manage Emotional Eating
‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of stuff we feel pressured to stop doing if we ever want to be healthy, and/or love how our body looks (along with eating lots of plain chicken & broccoli, little to no carbs, and feeling guilty when we eat...

Why You’re Unhappy With Your Body (& What to Do)
Do you feel disappointed or unhappy with your body? Do you hate how it looks (or parts of it)? Does your inner mean girl speak up on a regular basis, filling your mind with negative, body shaming thoughts? I did too. I would look at my body in the mirror, and...

How to End the Food & Body Guilt
Guilt doesn’t spontaneously appear, and when it does, it rarely (if ever) inspires us to make healthy choices. Quite the opposite! We feel guilty for not eating more of the foods we ‘should’ eat, not staying on track with healthy habits, not being thin enough, eating...

Live your Food Network Dream at the NCRLA Chef Showdown
Do you ever watch cooking competition shows on Food Network and think: “Ahhh those judges are SO lucky, they get to eat so much yummy food by such talented chefs, I wish I could do that!!” Well...you can! If you love to eat mega-flavorful, farm-to-fork food (and...

Healthy Backup Plan Meal Formula: Easy 10-Minute Weeknight Dinner
We’ve all, at some point in our lives {and some more than others!} come home from a long day of work, tired and starving, with nothing that even closely resembles a healthy meal in our fridge. What typically comes next is a mad dash for the pantry, shoveling anything...

How to Navigate the Farmer’s Market
Farmer’s markets can be an amazing way to get the most nutrient-rich fruits, veggies, eggs, and meats – even beautiful flowers, but there are some important things to know and some common mistakes to avoid to better navigate your way around and make the most out of...
Today is the last day of the Old You…
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Together, we’ve got this.