Happy Healthy You Blog
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Diet Myth Debunked: FB Live Special 1 of 2
My fabulous trainer friend from Fitness Jones Training and I hopped on his FB live to debunk some diet myths that keep a lot of people stuck, and share a fresh take on more sustainable and effective ways to approach health. This is part 1 of 2 - click here for part 2...

Fed Up Dieter’s Guide to Sustainable Success with Libba
Have you struggled with food and your body for as long as you can remember? Have your struggles negatively affected many other parts of your life? Have you tried and failed at many attempts at getting a handle on things, and now feel hopeless, like you’ll never find...

“It’s Not a Diet, It’s a Lifestyle”
Ever try a new program to get/stay healthy that advertised itself as a way to: stop dieting and make a lifestyle change? Or helping you stay on track with clean eating? Your best of intentions are likely still leading you down a familiar path. Can you spot a diet...

How to Prevent Overeating During the Holidays
Do you find yourself eating more sweets, carbs, and just overall food during the holidays than at any other time of year? I used CRAZY to over-do it over the holidays. It would start with voice #1 in my head being like: “WOW that brownie looks AMAZING but you...

How to Conquer Food Cravings
Diet culture has made food cravings into this enemy, but when we step back they’re actually a good thing! Cravings of any type (for things like food, rest, connection, pleasure, movement) are really just a signal from the body that it has need that needs to be...

Don’t Get Sucked In This Holiday Season
Over the next month or so you’re going to see a LOT of ads for programs and products promising {quick} weight loss. Tis the season! Remember the motivation behind the sale. If those things really worked, you wouldn’t keep coming back. And if you stop coming back, they...

4 Unique Ways to Manage Holiday Stress & Weight Gain
The holiday season is the time of year where stress just comes with it. There’s a lot of planning and tons of decision-making that needs to be done with all of the parties, celebrating, family time, gifts…there’s just more on our plates and it can really take a...

Fed Up Dieter’s Guide to Happy & Healthy Holidays
The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, be thankful for all that you have, and reflect back on the year. Unfortunately though, in reality, the holidays come filled with stress of all varieties – especially around food and our body. There are...

Intuitive Eating with Food Allergies or Food Sensitivities
How do you approach intuitive eating if you know that you have food sensitivities or food allergies? It seems contradictory: you want to avoid foods that make you feel crappy, but also not feel restricted/deprived. But what if you know there are foods that don’t agree...
Today is the last day of the Old You…
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Together, we’ve got this.