Happy Healthy You Blog
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14 Foods To Stop Eating ASAP (+ Swaps!)
Wondering why your energy is low? Or why your weight loss is halted? Or why you're in a constant battle with your digestive system (gas, bloating, etc.)? Your answer may lie in some of the foods you are eating. You might be thinking "well I'm not sitting around eating...

RECIPE: Creamy Thai Salad Dressing
I absolutely love Thai food...well at least Pad Thai, because it's SO good I can't bring myself to order anything else from the menu when we go to a Thai restaurant! I try to only eat half so I can bring the rest home and have it for breakfast the next morning....

How Toxins are Making You Fat
Do you know why a "toxic body" not only can make us fat, but also can make it really hard to let go of fat? If not - let me tell you! Our body’s ability to process trash, including toxic trash, is a BIG factor in our ability to lose weight and maintain a healthy...

How to Convince Your Reluctant Spouse to Eat Healthier
Have you ever bit your tongue to hold yourself back from saying something when your spouse or significant other orders a full rack of ribs or a massive bacon cheeseburger when eating out? Have you ever caught yourself cringing a little when at the grocery store they...

Green Shamrock Smoothie Recipe
McDonald's has a super popular, seasonal milkshake called the Shamrock Shake. It's minty, creamy, cold, and goes down smooth! I love a good milkshake, but I don't love some of the ingredients and large amounts of sugar they put in this drink. Yes - it's a...

Product Review: JR Liggett’s Shampoo Bar
I wanted to share with you my recent experiences with the JR Liggett Shampoo Bar. Have you heard of this natural alternative to traditional bottled shampoos? If not, here's a quick rundown. Shampoo bars are solid bars of soap that are made specifically for hair. They...

16 Mind Tricks to Lose Weight!
While it seems like winter will be here forever with how cold it's been lately, summer and bikini season will be here before you know it! Is your body ready for shorts, tanks, and bathing suits? If you're looking to lose a few pounds to tighten and tone up,...

RECIPE: Easy Raw Vegan Cheesecakes
Cheesecake has always been one of my absolute favorite desserts. That quickly changed though when I found out how many calories/grams of fat a slice contained (to give you a ballpark, a slice of plain cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory has 710 calories and...

RECIPE: Date & Nut Butter Poppers
Every night after dinner, no matter how stuffed I am, I always crave something sweet. Usually that innocent bite of something sweet turns into a something bigger than I had planned. The saying “everything in moderation” doesn’t always work for me. That one little...
Today is the last day of the Old You…
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Together, we’ve got this.