How to End the Food & Body Guilt

How to End the Food & Body Guilt

Guilt doesn’t spontaneously appear, and when it does, it rarely (if ever) inspires us to make healthy choices. Quite the opposite! We feel guilty for not eating more of the foods we ‘should’ eat, not staying on track with healthy habits, not being thin enough, eating...
How to Navigate the Farmer’s Market

How to Navigate the Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s markets can be an amazing way to get the most nutrient-rich fruits, veggies, eggs, and meats – even beautiful flowers, but there are some important things to know and some common mistakes to avoid to better navigate your way around and make the most out of...
Before &…After?

Before &…After?

Just kidding (see pic above)!! You would never expect my sweet Maddie to become Brady, right?? Can you imagine if Maddie said things to herself like: “If you could only lose 8 pounds and get darker fur, THEN you’ll be happier and have more confidence!” Both of...
Motivation vs. Inspiration

Motivation vs. Inspiration

It might seem like a subtle, insignificant distinction, but motivation and inspiration are 2 very different things, and I think a lot of people are looking for the wrong one when looking to make a healthy lifestyle change and it’s keeping them stuck. Here is one...
Rig Your Brain to Work in Your Favor

Rig Your Brain to Work in Your Favor

On the radio this morning, they were talking about a new study that proves “short man syndrome” is a real thing (basically, short people tend to be more aggressive). Immediately the radio hosts started talking about examples and proof of this with people they knew...