Happy Healthy You Blog
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Is a meal plan your solution to healthy eating?
If you scroll down you Facebook feed right now, I bet you’ll see at least 1 advertisement for “healthy meal plans” to make eating healthy a cinch. You might be thinking, “Good! I want a meal plan. I’m sick of trying to figure all this stuff out! I need someone to just...

Vegan Parmesan Cheese Recipe
When I learned I had a food sensitivity to dairy, and if I kept eating it I'd continue to feel crappy PLUS do damage to my body in the long run, not eating cheese anymore was the hardest thing! That was 7 years ago, and through some trial and error, I've learned...

“I’m trapped on a restrict/binge eating cycle”
Halloween, 2009. I was dating my now-husband at the time, and we had gone to Costco and got a GIANT bag of mini-sized candybars – you know the packs that have like Snickers, Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kat, Milky Way all mixed together? YUMMMM!! Candy bars were...

Get & Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy {Long-Term!}
{ Can you relate? } You have an event or vacation coming up. You want to look smokin’! You know “abs are made in the kitchen” so you want your diet to be on POINT from now til then. That quickly ends up turning into all or nothing and black and white thinking, either...

Raw Superfood Cookie Dough Protein Bites Recipe
This raw superfood cookie dough protein bites recipe is going to be a lifesaving game-changer for you. When you hit your 3:00 energy slump, or get home from work starving but still need to cook dinner, or even right before your workout and need a boost, these...

Product Review: OXO Salad Chopper and Bowl
Hot & healthy product alert! I think it's pretty safe to say this is a fact: chopped salads taste better. They've already been pre-cut-up into tiny, bite-sized, pieces of goodness, ready for you to dive right in and not be slowed down with having to use a...

Stress Eater to Stress Buster
Stress eating can be defined in a few ways. One obvious way is you turn to food to comfort you when you’re stressed. Thinking it’ll help you feel better, comfort, and console you. Relieve your stress at least for a few minutes while you’re eating it…then the problems...

“I’ll start again on Monday”
Have you ever said this? I sure have!! I’d either try a new diet or create my own list of foods to eat and foods to avoid or set the magical number of calories I was allowed to eat that week. I’d be all pumped thinking “THIS is going to be the time that it sticks!...

Is Social Media Triggering Your Emotional Eating?
Have you ever stopped to think if your social media feeds are supporting your goals? Or could they actually be sabotaging them? Take this test below: Have you felt any of the below after reading others’ updates? Envious Stressed Fat Weak Poor Unlucky Jealous Angry...
Today is the last day of the Old You…
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Together, we’ve got this.