by HealthyEaton | Oct 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Did you know your garnish might be the most nutrient-dense thing on your plate?? They may be tiny, but research shows microgreens punch a HUGE PUNCH when it comes to nutrition. They’ve found that microgreen “cotyledon leaves” contain up to 40x more nutrients than...
by HealthyEaton | Sep 24, 2019 | Health & Wellness
The BIGGEST mistake I see people make when they’re trying to make healthy food choices consistently is the approach they choose. With approach, there tends to be 2 big red flags that really increase the likelihood of falling into those on track/off track habits...
by HealthyEaton | Sep 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
What’s better than chocolate ice cream? Chocolate ice cream with CARAMEL SAUCE!! I absolutely love caramel but most sauces at the store have some ingredients that don’t make me feel so great (like dairy) or that I’d rather not put in my body if I...
by HealthyEaton | Sep 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
I noticed these Cheetos in the cabinet the other day, and over the next couple hours found myself thinking about them a LOT. ”mmm Cheetos!” I had to get curious with myself – why do I keep thinking and obsessing about these?? I realized it...
by HealthyEaton | Aug 25, 2019 | Health & Wellness
I recently had a colonoscopy (as I continue my seemingly endless search for what’s causing my brutally painful monthly menstrual pain). I was SHOCKED at how little information my doctor and other medical staff provided me with what to expect and how to make the prep...