by HealthyEaton | Jan 25, 2018 | Health & Wellness
When we think “eat healthy,” we typically think of how it applies to us…people! We know when we put nutritious foods into our bodies, we feel better. We have great energy, focus and concentration, sleep better, can manage our weight, have a strong...
by HealthyEaton | Jan 2, 2018 | Health & Wellness
If you were presented with an opportunity to do something that would be pretty stressful, kind of time-consuming, not enjoyable, and has a 95% failure rate in the end…would you do it? I wouldn’t knowingly…but I did for SO many years. That “something” I was...
by HealthyEaton | Dec 27, 2017 | Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness
Whether you’re someone who makes new year’s resolutions or not, many people still see the start of a new year as a time for new beginnings. A chance to check in with themselves, take stock of their life, and start making (/being consistent with) changes....
by HealthyEaton | Dec 14, 2017 | Health & Wellness
“I ate SO much, I’m never eating again!” When was the last time you overindulged? Felt like an overstuffed turkey after a holiday feast or party? How did you feel the next day? Did you want to get back on track to start feeling better ASAP? Or “I’ll start...
by HealthyEaton | Nov 29, 2017 | Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness
Any time you tell yourself you “should” or “shouldn’t” be doing something, you’re speeding down the highway of guilt, heading for Shameville. Whatever task you think you “should” or “shouldn’t” be doing makes your current activity wrong. No one feels good about...
by HealthyEaton | Nov 19, 2017 | Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness
The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, be thankful for all that you have, and reflect back on the year. Unfortunately though, in reality, the holidays come filled with stress of all varieties. It quickly becomes the season for catching the...