Happy Healthy You Blog
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Body Hate Does Not Size-Discriminate
Our culture makes it easy to assume that those in thinner bodies just naturally love themselves, because that's the dream we're fed from the diet industry. We're taught that losing weight = happiness, confidence, and this super fun life, so it makes logical sense. But...

Fed Up Dieter’s Guide to Sustainable Success with Eliza
Do you find yourself always thinking about how uncomfortable you feel in your clothes or feel about your body? Do you feel like you're missing out on living your best life because of your food stress and struggles? Does your inner food police chime in questioning...

When 1 Cookie Turns Into 8
"I'm just going to have ONE cookie"... starts off innocently enough. But next thing we know - we're 8 deep! That brings me to a vulnerable moment I want to share with you today. I hope it'll help reassure you that no one is perfect, we are all human, just trying to do...

Does Your Relationship with Food Spark Joy?
Queen of tidy Marie Kondo and her "tidying up" method has been an inspirational game-changer for so many people showing how you can create a world in which everything around you sparks joy. But what if this was applied to food? What if you chose what, when, and how...

3 Reasons to Beware of Healthy Food Swaps
Swapping out ingredients in traditional recipes for others that are “healthier” has been a very popular concept for years. I call them “healthified food swaps.” The more I learned about nutrition and ingredients, the more excited I would get back in college when a new...

4 Big Problems with Counting Calories
We've been taught that it's simple: eat less than you burn off, and you'll lose weight. I believed that for a long time myself, and I’ve worked with so many clients who did too. They initially came to me eating less calories than they were burning in a day (like...

Stuffed Bell Peppers Recipe – 2 Ways (Gluten & Dairy Free)
Stuffed peppers are a fun way to put a little twist on a traditional stir-fry style dinner to mix things up! Adding any type of variety to your meals like new foods, ingredients, recipes, or twists on recipes helps prevent food ruts (I call em food funks) where you...

January: A Common Trigger Behind Your On Again/Off Again Eating Habits
Can you relate to this scenario? >> January 1st rolls around, and you decide you want to take the start of the new year to reprioritize some parts of your life to focus on getting healthier or feeling good in your body or loving how your body looks. Which...

Diet Myth Debunked: FB Live Special 2 of 2
My fabulous trainer friend from Fitness Jones Training and I hopped on his FB live to debunk some diet myths that keep a lot of people stuck, and share a fresh take on more sustainable and effective ways to approach health. This is part 2 of 2 - click here for part 1...
Today is the last day of the Old You…
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Together, we’ve got this.