How Toxins are Making You Fat

How Toxins are Making You Fat

Do you know why a “toxic body” not only can make us fat, but also can make it really hard to let go of fat? If not – let me tell you! Our body’s ability to process trash, including toxic trash, is a BIG factor in our ability to lose weight and...
16 Mind Tricks to Lose Weight!

16 Mind Tricks to Lose Weight!

While it seems like winter will be here forever with how cold it’s been lately, summer and bikini season will be here before you know it! Is your body ready for shorts, tanks, and bathing suits? If you’re looking to lose a few pounds to tighten...
At Home Workout + Motivational Tips

At Home Workout + Motivational Tips

Newsflash! You don’t need a fancy home gym or an expensive gym membership to get in shape or lose weight. There are tons of free or low-cost ways to reach your goals right from your own home, with no equipment necessary. When I graduated from college and moved...
The Gratitude Jar [Free Printable]

The Gratitude Jar [Free Printable]

I’m not sure who came up with the gratitude jar idea but I’m thankful that they did! This is an idea I have seen around the internet, mainly around the end of December/beginning of January, for the past few years. Each time I saw it I thought “what a cool...
My Top 36 Ways to be Healthier in 2015

My Top 36 Ways to be Healthier in 2015

It’s officially a new year. Lots of people view it as a time to make a fresh start, ditch some old bad habits and try to make some healthy new ones. You know, new year’s resolutions! Some choose to dedicate themselves to losing weight, going to the gym,...