My First [Organic] Garden!

My First [Organic] Garden!

Ever since I ditched my old unhealthy eating habits, I’ve always wanted to have a garden and grow my own food. The way I eat now includes LOTS of fresh produce, and I often cringe at the cashier at the grocery store at how much I’m actually paying for my...
RECIPE: Creamy Thai Salad Dressing

RECIPE: Creamy Thai Salad Dressing

I absolutely love Thai food…well at least Pad Thai, because it’s SO good I can’t bring myself to order anything else from the menu when we go to a Thai restaurant! I try to only eat half so I can bring the rest home and have it for breakfast the next...
How Toxins are Making You Fat

How Toxins are Making You Fat

Do you know why a “toxic body” not only can make us fat, but also can make it really hard to let go of fat? If not – let me tell you! Our body’s ability to process trash, including toxic trash, is a BIG factor in our ability to lose weight and...