by HealthyEaton | Sep 6, 2015 | Food & Nutrition
Looking for a super healthy meal you can whip up in 15 minutes? That’s even less time than it would take to order take out or get delivery. This coconut herb crusted salmon dish is not only quick and easy, but it’s loaded with nutrients! Salmon is a great...
by HealthyEaton | Aug 27, 2015 | Beauty, Health & Wellness
Did you know that an estimated 150 million women worldwide take birth control pills? In addition to the obvious reason women seek out birth control pills, they are also often prescribed by doctors and gynecologists to address symptoms like cramping, spotting,...
by HealthyEaton | Aug 22, 2015 | Health & Wellness
Summer is starting to wind down, kids are going back to school, the morning commute traffic picks back up again, and chances are all of your co-workers who were out on vacation for most of the summer are back and ready to pile onto your workload. You brace yourself...
by HealthyEaton | Aug 18, 2015 | Food & Nutrition, Products
Drink more water. This is a statement you’ve probably heard constantly your whole life from your mom and dad, doctors, the health teacher at your school, and advertisements on TV. It’s true, most of us should be drinking more water. Experts say to aim to...
by HealthyEaton | Aug 12, 2015 | Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness
After a good workout, you should reward your body by replenishing the energy, minerals and nutrients lost during sweat. Water will usually do the trick, but you sometimes need a boost beyond that. The supermarket is stocked with a big variety of...