dangerous chemicals lurking in your beauty products

Make-up, laundry detergent, cleaning products, sunscreen, perfume, dryer sheets, air fresheners, vinyl shower curtains, and lotions. What do all of these things have in common? They all contain endocrine disruptors.

Your endocrine system controls your hormones. When you come in contact with certain types of the products listed above, they interfere with proper hormone production.

Hormone production controls all kinds of important things, like the amount of fat you lose or retain, your mood, your appetite, your sleep and much more…nothing to mess with when you have the choice for alternatives. And lucky for you, you do!

It’s important to read the labels of products before you buy them, and if you see ingredients that look suspicious, keep looking, it’s worth it! You should be able to recognize all of the ingredients in your products.

But what if you are unsure where to start, or unsure if the products you use are dangerous?

Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetic Database. They rank all kinds of products on a 0-10 scale, with 0 being the least harmful. You can then look into it even more to see exactly what ingredients were causing that particular rating. Watch out – it gets addicting!