Website Launch PostHello and welcome to my new website!! I’m SO excited to finally have it up and running and share my passion for health and nutrition with you all. Be sure to check out the contest below to enter to win 2 FREE coaching sessions, plus a seasonal detox program ($250+ value)!

As I explain on the About Me page, the way I had been living ever since I was a young teenager has led to the passion for health and wellness I have today. With body image being a motivator for me from a young age, wanting to look like the girls I saw on TV and in magazines (while also battling typical teenage issues), I turned to what most people my age did: quick-fix solutions. Miracle face cleaners and creams, eating only foods that were labeled “fat-free” and “sugar-free,” etc. I’m sure some of you have been there and done that too! But not only did these not work very well, but they also brought some unwanted side effects that only recently, through my schooling, did I understand why.

When I was in my early twenties, my dad got diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The medications they put him on only did so much in terms of taming his symptoms, even bringing on some new ones, so my mom and I started researching natural alternatives instead. We were amazed with what we learned! My dad agreed to make some changes to his diet, the products he used, and his overall lifestyle. In just a short time, we all noticed positive changes in his symptoms! After seeing that transformation, it really jump-started my healthy journey. I realized there’s a safer – not to mention more effective – way to get the results I was looking for in my own health.

I started reading, watching, and learning everything I could about how to become (and stay) healthy. After making just a few tweaks, I started noticing that I was feeling better, my skin was clearer and softer, my stomach was flatter, and I was less tired in the afternoon. I couldn’t wait to share this and help anyone who would listen! I loved it so much, I decided to train to become a Health Coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and work with others like me. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Thanks for checking out the site! I hope to bring you lots of valuable content as my dedication to health and wellness expands in my new life.

Make sure you subscribe to the newsletter (green bar toward the top of the website) and follow me on your favorite social media sites so you don’t miss anything. And of course enter below to win my website kick off prize!

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