
I came across this video on YouTube a few weeks ago, called “Is it Factory-Farmed Chicken?” and thought it was great.

A few years ago when I realized the super-affordable and very convenient Tyson and Perdue branded chicken I was eating actually was doing my body much more harm than good (plus looked more into how they were raising their chickens – so sad), I started eating organic, free range chicken instead. (Not sure what I mean? Keep reading/watch the video!)

“No problem,” I thought, “I’ll just buy this new chicken instead and I’ll never have to support those awful companies again.” Soon after that, I went to a restaurant and was browsing the menu, when it dawned on me that the chickens SO many restaurants used came from those very farms!

Luckily there are plenty of restaurants out there that do use responsibly raised chickens without added antibiotics, good thing Google exists!

Check out this funny, short video below that will give you a better idea of what I’m talking about.

Is it Factory-Farmed Chicken?

If you ask your server about how their restaurant’s chicken was raised and processed, you probably wouldn’t get very clear answers. Inspired by the Portlandia “Is it Local” skit, these are the answers you’d get if they knew the real story behind most of the chicken served in the U.S.