Receipt May Contain BPA

By now we have all heard that we should avoid coming into contact with BPA (if you want a refresher, keep reading below), and do our best to avoid it. Some easier substitutions are using glass containers/water bottles over plastic versions, and ditching the canned goods for things in cartons or jars. But did you know that there is BPA in some paper receipts?!

In a recent study, BPA was present on 94% of the receipts tested.
27% of the BPA that finds its way onto your skin penetrates and
reaches the bloodstream within just 2 hours.

Instead, either tell the cashier you don’t want a receipt or opt for an electronic version.

For those of you who could use a refresher, here is some information about BPA you may have forgotten or never knew!

BPA famously made headlines back in 2008. Everyone frantically started looking at all of the plastic in their homes to see if it contained the chemical which had been used for hardening plastics for the last 40 years. It is found in more than just plastic and reciepts though; also in medical devices, compact discs, the lining of canned foods and drinks, and many other products.

The FDA used to say that BPA was safe, but in 2010 they altered their position on the matter. Some experts believe the chemical can negatively affect the body in the following ways:

  • Hormone disrupting
  • Brain and behavior problems
  • Cancer causing
  • Heart problems
  • Linked to obesity, diabetes, ADHD

So please continue to avoid any and all exposure if possible. Look for products labeled “BPA-free,” choose non-plastic food containers, do not heat plastic containers in the microwave, throw out any plastic products that are chipped or cracked, and avoid using canned foods/drinks.
