Happy Healthy You Blog
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6 Warning Signs You’re Addicted To Sugar
Sugar addiction is at an all-time high. The average American eats about 20 teaspoons of sugar a day (aka 80 grams). That might sound like an obscene number - and you're right, it is! - but sugar lurks in more places that most people realize. Even foods we think...

Recipe: Lobster Risotto
Lobster risotto is my husband and my go-to meal for any special occasion, and we've cooked it every Valentine's Day since the first one we spent together (in 2010!). It's so flavorful, and so much cheaper to make at home than what you would spent on it at a...

Hearty Warm Winter Salad Recipes
Eating a salad in the winter when it's cold outside and you have a chill in your bones usually doesn't sound nearly as appetizing as eating a warm dish, like soup. If you're like me, you eat how you feel - in the summer you stick to light, bright, and fresh...

My Top 40 Ways to be Healthier in 2016
2015 is nearly over, and lots of people will view it as a time to make a fresh start, ditch some old bad habits and try to make some healthy new ones. You know, new year's resolutions! Some choose to dedicate themselves to losing weight, going to the gym, eating...

Important Things to Know Before Using Essential Oils
Essential oils are all the rage lately, and there are many great reasons for that! When you use over the counter meds like Advil or Tums all you’re doing is masking the symptoms you’re suffering from, and potentially adding additional side effects too. BUT when you...

Product Review: Exo Cricket Protein Bars
Eating bugs as a protein source is starting to become a thing. Yup, you read that right. Eating bugs. And no, I haven't finally jumped off the crazy health nut deep end. Eating bugs definitely sounds more like a summer camp dare than a pre-workout ritual. When I first...

Is your toothpaste toxic?
Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately. Did you know this is the warning that is on your toothpaste tube, unless you use a...

15 Foods To Naturally Increase Your Brain Power
Feeling scatterbrained, lost in brain fog, or....forgetful? Simple solutions like snacking on walnuts can improve your overall brain health. We know that how we eat can affect our bodies, but what we put in our mouths also affects our mood, the...

Natural Remedy: Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Could a dose of apple cider vinegar a day keep excess pounds away? That’s not exactly how the old saying goes, but it's just one of the health claims being made about this pantry staple. Raw apple cider vinegar (aka ACV) has been used as both food and medicine by...
Today is the last day of the Old You…
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right. Together, we’ve got this.