Does this sound familiar…?
- You’re stumped because you don’t look and feel as good as you know you should, but have no idea why
- You feel like you’ve tried everything, are sick of relying on medication, or don’t want to have to buy larger clothes
- You’re frustrated because you’ve seen multiple doctors, had lots of tests done, but still have no answers
- Your symptoms include (one- or multiple-of): chronic headaches or migraines, digestive problems (bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, IBS), tired all the time, break out in random rashes or acne, have gained weight in “trouble areas” and are having a hard time losing weight, mood swings, brain fog, joint pain, dizziness, runny nose, eczema, anxiety, dark circles under eyes
That was me back about 8 years ago!
I had no idea that despite trying to hard to “eat healthy,” that I was actually sabotaging my own health.
As the saying goes: we are what we eat, and sometimes what we eat may be holding us back from looking and feeling like the best version of ourselves.
9 out of 10 people have food sensitivities, and don’t even know it.
“One man’s food is another man’s poison” is a familiar and centuries-old saying which simply states that different people can have very different reactions to exactly the same food. This even applies to nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and meats.
I love using this example: We’re often told to avoid white bread and eat whole wheat bread instead because it’s healthier. But I bet everyone who reads this knows someone with a wheat/gluten allergy or sensitivity, and to them whole wheat bread is NOT healthier! They would get sick if they ate it.
Food sensitivities are a lot different than food allergies. That’s really important to note (see infographic for more information).
Studies have also linked food sensitivities to conditions such as nutrient malabsorption, leaky gut, acne, trouble losing weight, IBS, joint pain/inflammation, ADD and ADHD, anxiety, dementia, eczema, psoriasis, depression, and autoimmune conditions (like Hashimoto’s disease) – and this list seems to be growing!
Since food sensitivities or food intolerances are a LOT more common than allergies – we’re going to focus on those.
How do you know if you have food sensitivities?
Look at the list of symptoms in the bullets above and see if any of them apply to you.
You may also be dealing with symptoms that are not on the list, but that’s a fantastic place to start.
There are a few methods you can use to help you determine if you have food sensitivities.
Food Journaling:
It can be helpful to journal/track your food and drinks along with your symptoms for a few days to see what connections you can make, if any. Most people have multiple sensitivities so this isn’t always easy, but it’s a good place to start and definitely worth a try. I personally tried this when I was starting out and couldn’t find a pattern, but clients I’ve worked with have found it helpful…worth a shot!
Write down what you eat and drink and pay close attention to how you feel within the next couple hours. Symptoms can take longer to manifest (up to 3 days actually!), but this is a good place to start. Be aware and tune in to how you feel. See if you can discover a pattern of what you eat and how it affects you.
Food Elimination Diet:
This method seems to be more effective than journaling. With an elimination diet, the goal is to eliminate specific foods groups of the most commonly sensitive foods (such as wheat/gluten, corn, eggs, sugar, nuts, coffee, dairy and soy). After eliminating all of these for 1 – 3 months, you would then SLOWLY add in one food group at a time to determine tolerance.
The only problem with this approach is that you may have a sensitivity to something that’s less common (like a fruit or vegetable), but can be a fantastic place to start your process.
** Food Sensitivity Bloodwork Testing: **
This simple, minimally invasive blood test accurately tests and measures your biological cellular reactivity. The ALCAT Test by Cell Science Systems is considered the “gold standard” laboratory method for doing so, and lucky for you – I’m a practitioner provider, so you can order the test right through me (and even use your HSA or FSA account to pay for it).
This is a blood test that can scientifically measure any changes in the size of white blood cells and white blood cell counts in response to up to 450 different foods, chemicals, functional foods and herbs, anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics.
This type of testing can determine precisely which items are causing the inflammation – and leading to any symptoms you may have.
You get a “score” for each one which is broken down into 1 of 4 categories: severe intolerance, moderate intolerance, mild intolerance, and acceptable foods (see example by clicking below).

Want to get the ALCAT testing done? Here’s what to do next & how it works:
- Email me ([email protected]) and I’ll send you the brochure with all of the testing options. The most popular is the 237 foods test.
- After deciding which test you’d like to get done and ordering it, you will receive your test kit in the mail with complete instructions
- Bring your kit to an Any Lab Test Now location to get your blood drawn, or request a mobile blood draw will be sent to you. At this point – your work is done!
- Results will get sent directly to me about 5-7 business days later.
- When I receive your results, I’ll contact you to schedule a meeting with me to go over the finding and answer any questions you may have. Your results are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than you.
- That’s it! SO easy. By making some modifications based on your findings, you will soon start looking and feeling better 🙂

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained in this document is for general information purposes only and is not a substitute for dietary or medical advice. Seek the care of your healthcare practitioner that specializes in this area to determine the best course of action for your needs.